This community is open to heart-based relatives who are in alignment with the values that honor and respect the organic nature of creation.

We trust in Sweet Mother Earth, “Dulce Madre Tierra”

We acknowledge plants, animals and fungi as the true teachers. This includes amphibians, mammals, reptiles, the winged ones, the aquatic kingdom, fungi, insects, all aspects of plants including the trees, barks, roots, mycelium and leaves. We recognize all animals, plants and the mineral kingdom as our relations.

We believe that we are the 4 elements, and that the 5th element ‘The Essence’ {Plasma} is activated by the harmonization of the soul, mind and spirit.

We recognize the paradoxical, dualistic nature of this experience and harmonize ourselves within the polarity. We also acknowledge the existence of other realms of vibration beyond those habituated by our human senses and beyond our intellect.

We believe in the indigenous teachings of the ancient cosmovisions and honor the ancient ones who came before us. We respect all indigenous people who are in communion with Mother Earth and preserve their teachings and sacred ceremonies. We carry forth the traditions of the indigenous people who came before us who prioritized and revered the sacredness of Mother Earth.

We believe that when we are in union with the natural world, we honor the privilege to have the opportunity to raise collective consciousness by communing together through the sacramental use of Mother Earths creations.

We have an abiding respect for the sacred power of sexuality that exists within each of us. As such, we do not condone open sexuality with multiple partners, sexual magic or manipulation or coercion through the use of sexual energy. We believe that our own direct connection with Mother Earth (Creator) is more powerful than any external energy source and therefore we connect to Her without others involved.

We refrain from causing harm, being parasitic or toxic to Mother Earth as well as any other beings on this planet.

We believe in maintaining a clean mind, that we are to preserve the astral hygiene within our temple, and that we came to this life experience to clean our karma.

We believe that the children are the forefront of our reality. The children come equipped with superior intelligence and possess an innate relationship with the natural world. Mother Earth provides an organic, safe container for all of her children to express themselves and nurture their gifts into fullest expression.

We believe it is in the benefit of all of humanity for each person to remember their connection to Mother Earth and all of her offerings. We believe in the healing power of Earth-based sacraments and the visionary power of plants. We use these sacraments respectfully as a regular practice of direct communion with Mother Earth (Creator)

We believe in the natural rhythms of day and night, the phases known as seasons, and the movement of the stars within the cosmos. We believe that the ever-present NOW moment is to be kept sacred and observed.

We celebrate Mother Earth in the form of song, dance and ceremonial expression. By maintaining our sacred connection with Mother Earth, we see ourselves as intelligent beings with the responsibility & privilege to be stewards of Mother Earth. We recognize and honor ourselves as the direct connection to Mother Earth. We are made in her image, and therefore we are the Creators of our reality.